The Beginning of Something New

Hello there world! This’ll be my first post and because it’s the beginning, let me share some things about me:

Who Am I?

My name is Kira Patricia, but you’ll know me better as Kirantics. I’m a lover of books, ancient mysteries, theology, all types of art, museums, traveling, and lots (I mean LOTS) of food. I also may or may not have a slight addiction to blue edition RedBull.

I’m currently 28, with my birthday coming up on September 29th. That makes me a Libra sun, with a Gemini moon, and a Scorpio rising…for all you astrology fans anyway, for anyone else that’s just my birthday 🙂


My favorite genre of music is really “phonk” which combines drum & bass with hip-hop style jazz elements. Although I will listen to all kinds of music, I tend to enjoy music with limited vocals which allows me to play it in the background as I’m getting work done.

You can find playlists on my soundcloud:

Books. Books. And More Books. (Oh & Authors too!)

I typically enjoy reading theological books, however, I will literally digest any book you place in my hands. There are no limits to writing and I truly love it! Some of the most recent books or authors I’ve read are: Helena P. Blavatsky, Thomas Aquinas, Dr. Ivan Panin, Karl Sabiers, Rab Segal’s “Two Powers in Heaven“, Patricia Green, David Wilkerson, Yehezkel Kaufmann’s “The Religion of Israel: From Its Beginnings to the Babylonian Exile” (translated by Moshe Greenberg), John Wilkin’s “Discovery of A New World”. If anyone would like book recommendations or would like me to make a comprehensive list, I’ll do it! I have THOUSANDS!

Art & More

I am in LOVE with renaissance art and artists, medieval stylized art, Victorian and Edwardian style, and anything that incorporates these styles. There’s just something so beautiful about the way they paint and conceptualized life. So ethereal and feminine!

I also really enjoy hermetic style art. Some prefer to call it occult, but is it really unknown or hidden if so many know what the symbols mean?

Many think you cannot be Christian and like the occult. I disagree, we’re called to Wisdom.

I also enjoy archeology; specifically Roman/Greek/Celtic styles and love learning about their lives! Just history, in general, is an interest to me, and I firmly believe we haven’t even scratched the surface of knowledge that our Ancient Ancestors knew!

Home Life

I currently live in Nampa, Idaho, which is located outside of Boise City, but is close enough for me to enjoy downtown and city life if I so choose. Idaho is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever lived- Florida, North Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey/New York, Rhode Island.

It’s basically Nature’s dream. I know.

I have two cats: Mylo & Filmore, both of which you’ll probably see a whole bunch on this blog coming up!

I have an amazing husband who I love with all my heart & soul! We’ve been together for 10 years now and I can’t imagine my life without him! We met while I was in college at Boise State.

I enjoy home decorating and anything “DIY”. I believe if you have a comfortable home, you’ll always enjoy where you live. You don’t necessarily need to spend thousands to do this either! I am currently learning to embroider, and hope to one day sell my creations!

Religion & my beliefs

I am Christian, meaning I absolutely believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ as my savior and the son of God, but do not believe in any organized church system. My religion will never prevent me from working with you.

Your religious beliefs do not affect me, nor shall mine affect you. We all are afforded the right to believe what we shall without forcing others to do the same. In fact, I LOVE learning about other beliefs and religions, so please don’t be afraid to share!

I take Jesus’s words to my soul; “Love Thy God” and “Love Thy Neighbour” and this encompasses the core of my being. I believe that each of us is divinely created by a loving God. I treat everyone with respect on Kirantics, intolerance, hate, or crude words will not be tolerated.

Other Things I Enjoy:

Taking walks by the creek next to my house.

Feeding the ducks that knock on my backdoor every morning

Journaling and writing

Making Beats – maybe one day I’ll share them lol

People watching. Everyone is so unique and I love it.


Makeup…although recently I haven’t been wearing much thanks to being in quarantine.

I’d love to get to know you more! So if you feel like you want to, comment with 5-7 things/topics you enjoy!