Facebook Promotes More With New Comment Engagement Stats

Engagement on posts is super important and should be one of your major Social Media Strategy goals! It’s also one of the most ‘sought after’ aspect of Facebook Marketing. Everyone knows posts with lots of likes, shares, and comments are ‘viral’ and everyone wants that viral status!

Liking, sharing, and comments [as you’ll see shortly] have a really big impact on the number of people you’ll reach. Unlike liking and sharing, comments inviting discussion with others will signal to Facebook’s algorithm that even more people should see your post because they might want to join in.

Back in 2017 Facebook outlined this aspect in its News Feed algorithm stating:

“If a post from a Page is getting a lot of engagement, we can understand in real-time that the post might be temporarily more important to you, so we should show that content higher in your feed.” 

Getting people to engage with your post via comments can play a really big role in maximizing the number of people your post will reach. Now, Facebook is looking to highlight just how important this aspect of engagement can be to its Page Managers by giving you ‘Comment Insights’.

These insights will show you just how big of an impact having clients, customers, or even friends/followers commenting on a post have on your reach and engagement. This doesn’t just include your friends & followers, but also your own personal comments too!

Screen Shots shared by Social Media Commentator Matt Navarra see him on Twitter @MattNavarra

As a Page Manager, when you post a comment you’ll now see a button that says ‘See more insights’. Clicking this shows you the impact that your personal comments have had on that particular post. Facebook will show you the percentage measurement related to how many more reactions and impressions your posts have achieved when you’ve added a comment. This is all based on data from the last 28 days and these indicators can be displayed on both personal or Page updates.

This new Insight data will invite Page managers to engage in conversation with their followers, with clear data showing exactly what impact that can have! I mean, you don’t want to be ignoring your friends/customers/followers…you want to be engaging!

If you’re managing a Facebook account for a client- this is CRUCIAL! It’s another way of gauging how well your Social Media Strategy [on Facebook] is working and what you can do to drive more engagement! This also includes measuring the type of language you use in comments as well. Are you more positive? Direct? or do you take a more ‘laid-back’ approach with your followers? This will, of course, depend on your specific business strategy and the type of brand you want to promote yourself [or your clients] to be.

Not only will you be adding yet another measurement of success to your clients’ portfolio…but you’ll be able to better evaluate how your clients’ customers engage with them and adapt your strategy accordingly!

Always remember, you are able to delete inappropriate comments, however you don’t want to delete “negative criticism” comments because they can be a perfect way for your business to showcase a willingness to be open and adaptable to hearing where you can improve!

That being said, enjoy the new Facebook Comments Insights and use it to your advantage!

Kirantics out 🙂

This post draws inspiration from SocialMediaToday author Andrew Hutchinson‘s post from June 8th, 2020. Find the original article by clicking the link ‘SocialMediaToday’.